Chapter Headings

Unique chapter headings are an incredibly significant design feature within any eBook. Although specific platforms like Amazon KDP provide default chapter styles, they’re unsuitable for every author’s publication. What’s more, they don’t give you a great deal of creative expression and result in your eBook looking the same as every other book on the market. As a result, many authors design their own and include them in their manuscripts to avoid mundane and repetitive chapter headings.

Authors are often worried that once their manuscript is converted into a suitable eBook file, the detailed design of their chapter headings will be lost. However, this is something that you needn’t worry about. Whether you’ve gone for daring and bold chapter headings or elaborate patterns that encircle the text at the top of your page, we ensure that your desired design is perfectly preserved and presented within your eBook. As you can see from the sample below, we support the inclusion of a wide range of chapter heading designs. See also, epub formatting and kindle formatting pages.

Epub Formatting Samples

(Click on the image to view it larger)

Chapter Headings Epub Samples 13
Chapter Headings Epub Samples 25
Chapter Headings Epub Samples 21
Chapter Headings Epub Samples 17
Chapter Headings Epub Samples 12
Chapter Headings Epub Samples 8
Chapter Headings Epub Samples 4
Chapter Headings Epub Samples 28
Chapter Headings Epub Samples 24
Chapter Headings Epub Samples 20
Chapter Headings Epub Samples 16
Chapter Headings Epub Samples 11
Chapter Headings Epub Samples 7
Chapter Headings Epub Samples 3
Chapter Headings Epub Samples 27
Chapter Headings Epub Samples 23
Chapter Headings Epub Samples 19
Chapter Headings Epub Samples 15
Chapter Headings Epub Samples 10
Chapter Headings Epub Samples 6
Chapter Headings Epub Samples 2
Chapter Headings Epub Samples 26
Chapter Headings Epub Samples 22
Chapter Headings Epub Samples 18
Chapter Headings Epub Samples 14
Chapter Headings Epub Samples 9
Chapter Headings Epub Samples 5
Chapter Headings Epub Samples 1

Amazon Kindle Formatting Samples

(Click on the image to view it larger)

Chapter Heading Styles 22
Chapter Heading - Dropcap Sample for kindle
Chapter Heading Styles 14
Chapter Heading Styles 9
Chapter Heading Styles 21
Chapter Heading Styles 17
Chapter Heading Styles 13
Chapter Heading Styles 5
Chapter Heading Styles 20
Chapter Heading - Kindle Formatting Sample 1
Chapter Heading Styles 12
Chapter Heading Styles 1
Kindle formatting sample styles
Chapter Heading Styles 15
Chapter Heading Styles 11