Drop Caps

Having appeared in manuscripts for centuries, drop caps are a decorative element of a body of writing that adds a little extra to your work. It’s the art of making the first character of a paragraph more prominent than the rest of the text. It is a literary tool that helps grab your reader’s attention and makes your text stand out. Dropcaps are often portrayed in various fonts, colors, and designs.

While they’re still prevalent within print books, they’re more challenging in digital formats, encouraging some eBook authors to forego them altogether. At EbookEnhancers, however, we believe drop caps can still play a significant role in improving your ebook’s aesthetics. As you can see from the sample below, we can beautify your text with drop caps, either retaining the caps from your print publication or designing new ones while formatting your eBook. For more information, please see these kindle formatting and epub formatting pages.

Epub Formatting Samples

(Click on the image to view it larger)

Drop Caps Styes Epub Samples 13
Drop Caps Styes Epub Samples 12
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Drop Caps Styes Epub Samples 1
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Drop Caps Styes Epub Samples 8
Drop Caps Styes Epub Samples 9
Drop Caps Styes Epub Samples 3
Drop Caps Styes Epub Samples 14
Drop Caps Styes Epub Samples 6
Drop Caps Styes Epub Samples 2

Kindle Formatting Samples

(Click on the image to view it larger)

Drop Caps Kindle Formatting Samples 9
Drop Caps Kindle Formatting Samples 5
Drop Caps Kindle Formatting Samples 1
Drop Caps Kindle Formatting Samples 8
Drop Caps Kindle Formatting Samples 4
Drop Caps - Kindle Formatting Samples (7)
Drop Caps Kindle Formatting Samples 3
Drop Caps Kindle Formatting Samples 6
Drop Caps Kindle Formatting Samples 2